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Ofuronto Facebook Page Create & setting

 I am a great professional graphics designer and digital marketing expert. Classified ad posts, logos, flyers, banners, high-quality designers, graphic designers with 4 years of experience in various fields.

I can develop your company I understand the mind of the buyer

I know how to use all aspects of preaching,

I believe that you will choose the right marketer and the right platform for your business. If you have any questions about the information provided above, please feel free to contact me.


Ofuronto Facebook Page Create & setting

Cover photo

Ofuronto Manage Page Cover & Logo 

Page info

Create Facebook Messenger Professional ChatBot with Many Chat

Facebook Page Promote Choose ad type

Facebook Page Promote & setting ( Automated ads

Payment Method

Facebook Boost Post setting & post

Boost post Payment Information setting 

Ads manager 

Facebook Payment Method setting

Facebook Pixel and Re-Target Marketing

With Facebook Pixel and Re-Target Marketing, ads can reach the target audience more often and sell more at a lower cost.

Connect website activity using pixel
Choose how you want to install pixel code

Create a Website Custom Audience
Your Custom Audience was created ( Lookalike Audience ) setting

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